Tips And Recommendations on Home Gardens

The world of gardening hides behind it many secrets and much knowledge that is only obtained with experience. Still, in general terms, the most common thing is that there is always some reasoned answer to the questions that a person may have in relation to this exciting and vast world of gardening. The purpose of providing this information is that each person dares without fear to start once and for all to start having a garden in their home.

Plants in the Bedroom

This is probably the most popular dilemma that exists in relation to plants in the home: can we have plants in our bedrooms? The reality is that the O2 consumption of plants is practically zero, so it is not taken into account when determining whether or not to place a certain plant in the room. What is taken into account is the health of the person who will reside in that bedroom. For example, people with breathing difficulties should be very careful with the choice of plants since their smell can cause problems during the night.

Air Conditioning Water To Water Plants

 Another of the most common doubts regarding watering plants is whether the water that comes out of the air conditioning can be used for this task. The answer is a resounding “yes” since the water expelled by air conditioners is normally distilled and therefore much purer, thus being more beneficial for the care of the plant.

Vinegar As A Substitute For Citric Acid

Vinegar is much cheaper than citric acid, and the vast majority of gardening experts agree that it can be used without problems as a substitute for citric acidIts function is to acidify the water for acidophilic plants that require it.

Learn How To Save Your Plants.

 Sometimes, we believe that there is no remedy when we leave our plants without care for a long time, and the truth is that obviously, the plants cannot be left without water for a long time, so we must devise some way to guarantee that the water reaches them when no one is home. There are two ways to do it: the home method, which consists of using a 25/50 liter container with an irrigation programmer, and the professional method, which consists of purchasing a drip irrigation kit that already comes pre-installed and ready to use.

Plants in the Bedroom

Having a garden at home can not only provide us with economic benefits in the form of savings, but it will also provide psychological benefits to our sons or daughters. Below, we share some with you. 

Have a garden at home:

Promotes Awareness About Life

Your son or daughter will realize that the plant requires care, attention, waiting times, development, and a process to finally provide a final result (flower, vegetable, fruit).

Promote Diversity

Your daughter or son will notice that each plant requires different care. Furthermore, the growth and result will vary depending on the plant, but all will be equally valuable and beautiful.

Promotes Responsibility For The Care Of A Living Being

To take care of the garden, your son or daughter must organize, plan, and execute tasks daily.

Promotes love of the environment. By taking care of the garden or a plant, your son or daughter will generate a bond and will be able to realize the value of the environment (animals and plants).

Encourage patience. Your daughter or son will learn to wait for the result while she observes the different processes and stages of the plant. Perhaps she will experience frustration when she sees that not everything turns out right the first time. But life itself is like that, and this experience will help you understand it better. 

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Tips For Creating And Maintaining A Vertical Garden At Home

It is undeniable that the well-known green panels add beauty and freshness to interiors, which is why this decoration has become so common in the world of hospitality. However, little by little, vertical gardens have found a space in our homes. If you want to be part of this new trend, this time, we will teach you how to build your vertical garden at home.

There are multiple reasons why we should have one of these spaces in our home. In the words of experts such as Paisajismo Urbano, vertical gardens in homes transmit originality and naturalize spaces. In fact, they have become the best way to integrate flowers and plants on a domestic scale since their distribution requires little space. Without further ado, let’s start with the keys to creating and maintaining a vertical garden at home.

How to create my vertical garden?

The first thing to determine to create your vertical garden is the structure or surface on which you are going to work. In this sense, there are many alternatives, so don’t be afraid to use your imagination. You can choose to use the wall, which improves the image of the home and takes advantage of the flat surface. In any case, various presentations are covered in our official vertical gardens course.

As you can see, green walls are a multiform modality that can adapt to any idea. Keep in mind that, depending on ecology, it is advisable to use objects that you no longer use. An example of this is disused vertical shoe racks. Simply place a bag of soil with seeds in the compartments so you have your vertical garden at home.

You can also go to companies like Naturpots, which have innovated Ignacio Solano’s proposal with modular vertical gardens. These designs have become popular for their irrigation optimization grids, which make plant care easier. In addition, they provide all the stability and security that your vertical garden needs with their steel structures and terracotta pots.

Tips to keep your garden vertical?

Before proceeding to build your long-awaited green wall, the ideal is that you know some tricks to keep it in perfect condition. Remember that this is still a garden, so you will need to keep it well cared for so that your plants grow healthy, although some species or designs may have different needs.

To begin, you will surely want to anticipate some problems that you could have with your vertical garden when they are made of wood. Try lining the inside of the panel or pots with garden plastic, but not before covering the material with outdoor varnish. This way, you will avoid corrosion.

As for irrigation solutions, we recommend opting for drip irrigation if we are talking about small vertical gardens in homes. Watering cans may be less practical than you think, not to mention that they are a big waste of water. Instead of removing each pot one by one, you can choose a small-mouth watering can for better water flow.

Lastly, don’t forget the importance of proper drainage. Accumulated water can encourage the appearance of fungi and cause the roots of your plants to rot. For this, it is a good idea to spend a little more on an irrigation system with a suction pump capable of pushing the water back up. In this way, you will be able to take advantage of the water used while guaranteeing the well-being of your vertical garden at home.…

How To Care For Your Garden (Or Balcony) Plants

Caring for plants, whether indoor or outdoor, is much more than a household chore. Psychologists and experts assure that it is a therapeutic activity capable of promoting relaxation, reducing stress, and improving self-esteem. Benefits that could have led, along with the growing need to feel closer to nature, to the success of indoor plants, which this spring are moving to terraces, gardens and balconies.

Whether you are lucky enough to have a large garden or if the meters of your mini balcony are conspicuous by their absence, you are surely trying to turn it into a very nice space in which to relax, whether eating, sunbathing, or enjoying a good book. And, to do this, there is nothing like filling it with plants and flowers and even an urban garden that transforms it into a true paradise (even if it is in miniature). But, to do this, you need a series of key knowledge or tricks with which to keep them perfect throughout the year or, at least, the months in which you are going to spend the most time there.

Tips to keep garden plants looking perfect all year round

  • Find the perfect location: depending on whether the specific plant needs more or less light and humidity, you should place it in different corners of your balcony or garden, such as in the full sun or under taller plants that provide shade. You should also pay special attention to the type of soil since the water must drain well to avoid waterlogging.
  • Choose the soil well:  the type of substrate you use is key to the health of your plants. Thus, in the case of specific species such as cacti, you must choose a different soil than for green or flowering plants.
  • Perform continuous pruning: if you want your plants to grow and bloom constantly, you must maintain a good pruning routine. This way, you will prevent the plant from wasting energy feeding dry flowers, stems, or leaves, and you will promote its development. Of course, certain plants must be pruned at specific times, so you must inform yourself based on the species you choose.
  • The importance of transplanting: another key factor for your plants to grow healthy is transplanting. In addition to aerating the soil, this will leave more space for the roots, preventing them from drowning. It is best to do it in early spring or just before winter, always in pots or spaces of equal or larger size.
  • Water properly: when watering plants, it is important that you avoid the most extreme temperatures, such as in full sun or at night. In contrast, sunset is presented as an ideal time. Likewise, during the summer months, your plants will require more watering, while in winter, they will not be necessary. And, as an extra trick to make watering more pleasant for the plant and avoid drowning and flooding, use a watering can whose head projects water in the form of rain.

Lopper Maintenance Tips For Home Gardeners

Most plants are pruned in late winter or early spring. During these seasons, your pruning tools are working diligently to help you cut your roses, evergreens, and shrubs with ease.
It doesn’t matter if you have a backyard garden or a commercial farm; the care and attention you provide after each use can increase the life of your gardening tools and reduce the future costs that broken tools may bring.
One of the many reliable tools you’ve probably invested in is your garden pruners. With proper care and maintenance after each use, you will be able to use them for a long time.
Check out our list of tips below to find out how to care for your clippers and use them for many seasons to come.
Clean your clippers after each use.
After using your clippers, use soap and water to clean the parts, especially the blades. Start by scrubbing away dirt and any residue, then wipe with a damp cloth. When pruning different shrubs or trees, be sure to sterilize your tools between cuts or plants to avoid spreading diseases from one plant to another.
If you are pruning plants that release too much sap after cutting, our tree pruner has a convenient non-stick Teflon coating that not only protects the blades from rust and corrosion, but cleanup is easier as it prevents buildup. Sap and debris.
Dry your clippers before storing them.
Dry your pruners with a clean cloth before storing them in your garden kit or toolbox to avoid moisture that can result in rust.
Using mineral oil, grease, WD40, or an all-purpose lubricating oil, clean the seals, bolts, and blades. Lubricating the vital parts of the pruners will help maintain their smooth cutting performance and reduce the resistance you will experience when pruning.
Invest in high-quality pruners.
Heavy pruning can negatively affect your pruners. Investing in a good pair of pruners that are designed for heavy-duty pruning is the right decision to make when you want your pruners to last a long time.
We suggest looking for a premium pruner like ours that not only has excellent cutting power but is also made of materials that are sure to last a long time, even after being used for heavy pruning. Since the blade is the most important part, our pruners have been equipped with SK-5 high carbon steel, so it is unlikely to break or bend during or after use.
Gardening tips for lovers of green spaces
Improving gardening skills and getting in touch with Nature is one of the ways many people choose to spend their time, disconnecting from screens and learning to grow their food.
Be natural
“To create a more relaxed space, it is best to leave it natural. A garden does not have to be painstakingly tended or time-consuming. Plus, maintaining a tidy space can be stressful unless you love gardening. We think of our garden as a semi-wild space. “We plant flowering herbs and mix all kinds of roses and flowers.”
Add color to your patio.
“For those with a small patio or deck, we suggest planting a lemon tree in a pot and geraniums in smaller vases for long-lasting color.”
Incorporate lights to generate drama.
“We see our patio as a summer living room with comfortable seating, side tables, and table lamps. “The lighting also adds drama at night, even if you are not on the patio and are just looking out the window.”
Shade is a fern’s best friend.
“If your space has a lot of shade, plant ferns: they grow well and are amazing and dramatic. To have flowers, begonias, and fuchsias develop in the shade and lift even the darkest sectors with color.”
Attract nature
“For those who want to decorate the space, the ideal is to play with different textures, shapes, and colors to add interest. Allow easy-growing plants like nasturtiums or lilies to spread throughout the garden. Plant flowers that attract bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds, and nature will knock on your door.”
Little space and low maintenance? Introducing you to succulents
“If you want to try something different, create an indoor garden with succulents, which can be just as lush as an outdoor flower garden. “There are hundreds of colors and shapes, and they require little or no effort.”
Potatoes and garlic are good vegetables for beginners.
“Most vegetables are fairly easy to grow, including some essentials like potatoes, onions, and garlic. Pumpkin, cucumbers, peppers, and eggplants are also quite nutritious.”
“If you have a tall wall, look online for vertical garden ideas, or plant a vine to cover the wall, surrounding the room with greenery and turning it into a private and cozy space.”
Choose your favorite aromatics.
“Selecting the right aromatics depends on each person’s tastes. Contact your trusted gardener or search the Internet for plants that grow well indoors and choose the ones you like the most. For beginners, basil, mint, oregano, thyme, parsley, and sage are a good option.”
Decorate your salads with edible flowers.
“Don’t forget edible flowers to decorate your salads in spring and summer; “After planting them, as they say, don’t forget to stop and smell the roses.”…

Tips For Caring For The Garden

Time and dedication

Without a daily care routine, it won’t be easy to take the best care of your garden. In that sense, the first step is to have some time to take care of it and dedicate attention to it. Each plant is different, and in some cases, they may require special care. For those who do not have enough time, it is better to restrict the number of species or look for those that do not require constant maintenance.

Cleaning unwanted plants

Traditionally, gardens were kept free of “weeds” to prevent them from harming garden plants by competing for nutrients or by covering them and hindering their development. Nowadays, it is much more nuanced as to which plants should be conserved and which should not. It is necessary to verify whether they are invasive or allelopathic plants.

Some adventitious plants can be beneficial for the garden and pollinators, others not so much, so it is necessary to decide in each case, to prevent them from growing in places they should not. This selection is healthy for the garden and makes it look more attractive.


Soil is one of the main components of the garden and the plant’s growth depends on it. Gardens typically suffer from compaction over time, leading to situations of loss of drainage and lack of aeration. Therefore, from time to time, it will be necessary to work the soil in one way or another, but without damaging the roots.


An important factor in certain microclimates is garden aeration. When a garden does not enjoy proper ventilation, it can encourage the presence of certain fungi, such as mildew, which can affect plants indiscriminately.


A garden can be very small or large, and the plants used must be adapted to its scale. Plants must have enough space to grow and avoid recurrent pruning or intensive maintenance.


The lawn is an iconic element of the garden and the surface most used by people and animals. A good lawn sparkles, but it is important to consider the climate and water regime when implementing it, using appropriate seed and containing its surface. The modern lawn should adapt to its environment as much as possible. Depending on the context and use, it is possible to apply a non-uniform mowing regime and allow the grass to evolve into a naturalized grassland form that favors the presence of pollinators and butterflies.


The presence of nutrients conditions the type of species that we can use. In classic gardens, fertilizer is very important for their care since it provides plants with essential nutrients for their healthy growth, and this includes lawn areas. Some species and meadow types grow better in poor soil, so we must be consistent with our choice of plants. There are many possible options for fertilizing a garden, but the most recommended is good compost. Chemical fertilizers must be used sparingly.


Water is vital for plants, but it is important not to overwater. There are several irrigation methods; the most popular in large gardens is sprinkling, although it is possible to use diffusers and a variety of special nozzles that improve their performance. The most efficient irrigation is drip, but many people prefer to water by hand, which is precisely the most inefficient method.

In any case, it is necessary to obtain good advice before installing irrigation and have the support of a qualified professional for its long-term maintenance. Traditionally, it is recommended to water in the morning, when the sun is rising, or at dusk.

Pruning and trimming

Depending on the species in your garden, pruning or trimming may be necessary at some point. Before pruning, it is important to know when it can be done. It is not advisable to prune a shrub that produces flowers towards the end of winter until spring in late autumn. Rose bushes require specific pruning, and the same happens with many other species.

It is preferable not to systematically prune all plants. However, if any part of the plant is damaged or diseased, light pruning can be carried out to eliminate a possible source of infection. Pruning and trimming are topics that are best delegated to a gardener with experience and judgment.